Monday, June 13, 2011

The Vines of Knowledge

                               Recently a door opened up for me and it's as though I stepped out of a cellar and out into the warm sunshine of a vineyard. My moderate knowledge of wines stems from my experiences working in restaurants, I'm not an expert on the subject of wines by any means, but as of late I've had a stronger desire than ever before to learn as much about this enriching industry as I possibly can. When I mention that Viticulture is enriching, I don't primarily mean in a financial sense, my main intent of using the word is of a cultural and intellectual sense. To me, learning about viticulture expands ones knowledge in many intellectual fields of interest like biology, Chemistry, agriculture, geography, architecture, physics, history and art.

                                 What got me so compelled toward learning more about viticulture is the fact that my cousin  is employed at a winery, and couple of years ago, I visited the winery where she works. I love to travel and I plan on visiting many vineyards and wineries around the United States and abroad!! 

                                   I'm looking forward to meeting good people in viticulture both online and in person! I'm going to make this a fruitful journey, so, I'm more than open to suggestions and sound advice. I look forward to making good relations within the wine industry here in the U.S. and throughout the world.
